Wow...I cannot say how very thankful I am for these folks. My precious dog passed away, very suddenly and unexpected, and I did not know what to do. I called and was greeted warmly and comforting and scheduled a time to bring my sweet boy in. We discussed options etc and I didn't feel pressured to do anything other than what was comfortable for me. Upon arrival, I was greeted so warmly. My apologies for not remembering that kind woman's name...I was in a bit of a state, but she was so thoughtful and kind. It made a HUGE difference in leaving my sweet boy with her. I was so pleasantly surprised, and sad too, when I received to most heartfelt card and note in the mail, along with precious paw prints of my Chevy Chase-Brown. I HIGHLY recommend these folks for any needs you may have, regarding you beloved pet(s) cremation. Life is a circle and I have no doubt, when needed, I will use these guys