| - I just want to start by saying that I am so glad that I met Carmen. I feel like my wedding would have not been the same without her. She bent over backwards to accommodate me, she was punctual, dedicated, upbeat, sweet, and such an amazing artist! She invited me into her home early in the morning and did my make-up trial before she ran off to do a wedding that day. All so I could look amazing for my Bridal Shower. I felt like the prettiest girl at my wedding because of her. My make-up and the make-up of my whole wedding party stayed on all night long. This is through crying on the alter, sweating in the Arizona sun, to sweating it out on the dance floor. We got our make-up done at 8:00 AM in the morning for a 4:00 PM wedding. We partied well into the night and we all crawled into our rooms that night (or should I say morning, lol) and our make-up still looked flawless. No shiny foreheads, or warn off transparent eye shadow that settles into your crease. It looked like we just climbed down from the make-up chair. I wish I didn't wash it off because I am sure I could have worn it another day, lol! The premium lashes she uses didn't feel heavy at all, even though they were HUGE just like I wanted. Her prices are not insane just because it is wedding related. All us Bride's have all had sticker shock when it comes to wedding related items. With Carmen you get what you pay for and more!
Thank you Carmen, you were the best Google Search I have ever found.