WHAT PASSES FOR A BOUNCER THESE DAYS ? These guys were skinny and nice. If I were to start a fight with a guy much larger then me, who would save me? If I were picking on somebody smaller then me, who would save them? The situation felt as if some ASU fraternity guy was in charge of hiring and found all of the rail thin sophomores under 21 to get them into a bar on a Friday night. (Probably Sig Eps, I have known a few across the nation, little weasels) My fraternity brothers and I back in Philly (Yo Sammy, Gamma Psi, Temple U) would be starting fights in this place just to prove that we could.
The bathroom attendant was nice and gave me a towel after I used the urinal. He also selected a nice cologne he had bought for 60 dollars that day! (He only allowed me one squirt though)
Overall, I liked the Cadillac Ranch. I was there once for a football game and the Nachos were good. I will return during the peak season and possibly for a football game. There are many large screen T.V.'s .
I would write about the D.J. and his knowledge of late 90's hip-hop but I have already lost interest in this post.