This place is in desparate need of a few more anchor restaurants. Established restaurants that bring in a lot of customers throughout the day, who will walk through the mall to give it some business. They should have begun courting Legend up the street or the Casa group or some other large dim sum/chinese restaurant. Get a huge Korean restaurant in here, and a fantastic Persian restaurant. Offer free rent for 6 months. Or this place is gonna die (it may have already).
And seriously, get rid of the big island on the top level parking and just put more parking. Do people seriously want to sun themselves on the loungers surrounded by condo buildings and parked cars.
And every time I walk in, half the stores are closed. Even on a Saturday and Sunday. These are your prime times people! Close up on Mondays and Tuesdays, but I say management needs to tell these stores if you don't open on Saturday and Sunday, then GTFO!!