This place is so nice! I went here to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed.
So I had dental insurance through my university and it was going to end in a few weeks. I called around to a bunch of places and none of them had openings in time or they required some referral. I found the Arizona Center and they were able to schedule me the same week!
First off, the office is very nice, its decorated very well with comfortable furniture, and even a wine fridge full of mini Arrowhead waters. It definitely doesn't look like a dentist's office. My first appointment was a consultation. First I was put into a room to watch a short 25 minute video explaining the surgery. Later on the dentist himself actually came to talk to me to see if I had any questions. This was very reassuring to me as the previous place I had gone to did not explain anything to me at all. Also, the center only offers the kind of anesthesia where you are completely under which is a plus since I would not want to be awake during that.
The next time I was there was to have my surgery. On that day, you are required to have someone drive you home. I think I had my xrays done that day or maybe it was during the consultation day. Anyway, it was over before I knew it! I woke up groggy but without pain. For the next two days, I had soft foods. My doctor prescribed me painkillers and a steriod. I also had to use mouthwash after every meal. I healed fine without a dry socket or any other complications.
I saw the doctor about two weeks later for a followup. It was nice that it was actually the doctor who examined me and not an assistant. I said I was still taking the painkiller (generic Vicodin) and he wrote me another prescription in case I needed it. And that was it! A major surgery (for me at least) done so simply and headache free. I would definitely recommend but there's no real reason for me to go back there since they specialize in surgery.