As everyone else has said, this spot is not for the faint of budget.
I had the lemongrass mojito and the ginger sparkle. The mojito wasn't worth the $20, the ginger sparkle was worth every penny! I had to ask the waitress how to make it...and she told me!!...yes that'll be me at Lee's looking for ginger liqueur.
What i liked:
Covert driveway. You have to know where you're going to find it. No drunken tourists wandering in.
Best customer service I've ever had from a valet. ever.
Bench in the elevator.
Not crowded. We had no trouble getting an insanely comfy seat next to the window.
Prompt, impeccable service. Waitress dug through stacks of coasters to get us the full set of dragon-puzzle pieces.
Stunning view and seasoned cashews.
What I didn't like:
Nothing. You get what you pay for. Enjoy.