I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist when it comes to the Banana Republic outlet (or at least this one!). I'm convinced these clothes were never actually in a real Banana store and were manufactured exclusively for outlet sale. Why should this matter? Basically you are buying cheap knock offs.
I have a lot of items from Banana Republic (the normal store) that I love and would buy duplicates of in a heart beat. I see them in the outlet store and the quality is so bad it's insane. The materials are different and the cut is different. It's weird because the styles are the same as the normal store, but you really aren't buying a Banana item. You're buying it's sad outlet cousin. I'm not an elitist about clothes and I certainly am no label whore, but with the prices they charge you shouldnt' be getting Old Navy quality clothes! Many items are only $10 less than the retail store item, but 50% of the quality. UGH. I keep trying to shop in this store and the crappy quality of the items gets me everytime...