I starting getting prenatal care very late in this pregnancy. I was already 21weeks. I went to this location because it is literally 5minutes from my house. I like the doctor as well as the nurses very much that is up until I went into the hospital on the 28th of November with pre term labor. I was dilated to a 4.I was 35 weeks. My doctor had them give me magnesium to stop the contractions and steroid shots to mature my baby's lungs. I followed up with the doctor a week later and she checked my cervix I was then dilated to a 5. I was put on strict bed rest. I had tons of pressure and was in constant pain from how low the baby was.I was told to hold out to 36 weeks. So at this point I'm thinking ok I can hold out a week and then hopefully I can have my baby. Then about a week later I start having full on contractions. 2-3 minutes apart and very strong. I go into banner estrella I'm told I am still dilated to a 5 and 80% thinned out. AGAIN my doctor has me put on medication to stop my labor because "they will not induce me at 36weeks and 6 days" even though my body is clearly trying to go into labor. I followed up with the doctor two days following my discharge where the doctor checked yet AGAIN said I was still dilated to a 5 fully thinned out and fully effaced. I was basically begging to be induced with all the pressure I had and how many times I've been into the hospital with preterm. I was turned down again and told to "go buy an exercise ball". 3 days later 12/22/16 I again started having contractions 3-5 minutes apart. Went into good Sam hospital because at this point I was not going to be sent home again. Had my cervix checked was dilated to a 5. Was given a bed had my water broke and within 4 hours I had a precious 6lb 2oz baby boy. These "doctors" are useless and do not know how to do their job.