I am someone who is hard to impress. It is not because I look for faults or have a negative outlook on life. It's simply because I'm stubborn and stubborn people tend to have a hard time letting go of their first impression.
When I first walked into the place it was clean and bright but it felt much more like and urgent care than a doctors office. I thought I was ready for a turn and burn experience. At least I knew what I needed refill-wise (my previously doctors office closed). Lots of paperwork to complete each and every time I came in *sigh*. Sometimes there is a very long wait *sigh*.
Then I met Dr. Williams-Vaughn. Before prescribing me anything she asked what other meds have been tried instead. She gave me some ideas on things that could help me further. I was skeptical about certain types of drugs. I thanked her and really appreciated her looking at all my problems-not just the one I was going to get a refill for.
I left with a feeling of actually being cared for.
Then I had a issue pop up. I forgot to request a medication I needed. The doctors information was so eye opening that I had forgotten. When I got home I called Becca, at the front desk. She was wonderful in getting this issue resolved for me. I was floored at this type of service. I hope management knows how hard these 2 ladies work.
And the solutions that Dr. Williams-Vaughn suggested? She nailed it. The qualify of my life has improved dramatically.