We just used our Groupon, $15 each for, $60 for a family of four to go to Winter Wonderfest but on by Peter Orr and Josh Ahearn. This is the biggest rip off I have ever experienced. We could have paid at the gate $10 and saved money over the Groupon! Further, everything in Wonderfest besides the 5 bounce houses cost an additional fee including the arts and crafts, the photos with santa and the princess, the smores, and the lame rides/zip line. Peter Orr and Josh Ahearn should be put in jail for fraud based upon their website for this event. False advertising is a crime, and they listed live entertainment, snow to play in, a ride on Santa's sleigh (which was a pickup truck pulling a wagon). These guys made a ton of money because there was a descent number of people there. Don't support their event.