I've been a Cox customer since 1988, long time right? Cox sends me a "GET MORE FROM COX TODAY" a promotion signed by Suzanne Schlundt, VP of Marketing, West Region... I was moving from a temporary rental into my new home in June... So I thought I'd take advantage of this new promotion but I wanted to call them to get an exact quote... PROMO CODE BN52SX12UA, I was quoted $129.99 w/ tax a fees the monthly amount would be $146.68 for 12 mos... Ok, I scheduled install with them for June 24, 2015.... I received my first 2 monthly bills unfortunately the advertised promo deal was packed so I couldn't verify the exact amounts... Yes I found it and the monthly fees were off by $10 thats $120 for the year... I called COX I spoke with NATHAN ON THE "SPECIALTY LOYALTY TEAM", THEN SENT TO MISSY ON THE "ESCALATION TEAM".. Missy said there was nothing she could do and she was sorry... Really a COX representative quotes you a price and there's nothing they can do? I told her to pull the recording of the price quote, Missy said maybe we will do that... Nice Maybe they will do that... It's funny this isn't the first time COX TV scammed me... I've come to the conclusion they need to come with the price quote on the installation day or I'm not signing a dam thing with them... COX TV IS A TOTAL RIP OFF..... IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO USE ANOTHER SERVICE DO IT, PRICING IS WAY BETTER AND CENTURY LINK WILL PUT IT IN WRITING AS WELL... I WILL BE MOVING MY SERVICE ASAP...