I was looking for a gym since I'm new to Vegas but I'll definitely pass on this 24 Hour Fitness... I walk in to inquire about membership . The lady at front desk paged for manager . It must've been ten minutes when the manager who was standing to the side walks over. The front desk lady was surprised since he was just standing there doing nothing. She asked if he was on duty & he said yes. So you tell me you're on duty & saw me but dont come over when she first paged. Ok this gets worse. He greets me by asking "Do you have an ID?" I have an ID but when is it necessary to have ID to inquire about membership. His second question was "Do you have a job?" This is no way to begin a conversation with a possible new member. I was so taken aback I said I might return later. I believe his name is Dee. An African American gentleman with a red dye job. Well I'll be checking out other gyms since this one lost out. FIRST IMPRESSIONS are important 24 Hour Fitness!