Before I even stepped foot here I knew that I needed a can of freon to recharge my air conditioner. After wondering around for a bit I finally found what I was looking for, but wasn't sure exactly what brand I should purchase.
Since the display was right in front of the cashier station, the cashier asked me if he could help. I asked him to recommend a brand and he asked me why I needed the product. I told him that my air conditioning didn't work even though for the past 2 Summers I have taken it to the same people and they have informed me (both times) they said the problem was fixed.
The salesperson then told me three things 1. There is probably a leak where the freon goes. 2. I shouldn't take it to that place anymore. 3. I should go to an air conditioning specialist.
My response "......"
After trying to talk me out of buying something in their store I asked him what brand he would recommend if I wasn't going to take my car in anytime soon and wanted a short term fix. He pointed, I bought the can, and left.
After recharging it myself, my air conditioning works fine now.