A variety of knick knacks from small electronics to bathroom items like vinyl curtains, bath mats and towels, to kitchen glasses and plates and misc small houseware items, to small electronic parts for computers for a good value. There is a small selection of hair beauty products and occasionally small furniture items (I saw ottomans, bar stools and carpets ).
The majority of goods here are more than a dollar so I wouldn't say this is a dollar store, more like a home store in the vein of Honest Ed's but on a much smaller scale.
If you can stand the dust there is some good stuff here for around during the house; if you need a computer cable you will find one here for less than college computers and the like. That they are a small family owned business is a plus.
I purchased: a good quality bath mat for $5 other places had for triple double that, spare pillow cases for guests (brand new in package for $2), a few computer parts for $1 and also a hair mask a few bux cheaper than I usually find it for.