| - I am a gringo who loves beef jerky, and their Carne seca(jerky) that is delivered to them is great. I buy from four different Carniceria's that i know have the carne seca. But found myself going back to this store because (for the most part) the people are great, and the marinade on the seca is really good. . I buy a pound to a pound and a half a week of this stuff, and was going to them primarily for months and months.
There is one gentlemen their that occasionally would be the one getting me the jerky that was not a nice person, and treated my like "why are you in this store". I never got a good attitude, from him, or frankly friendly service no matter how nice I am. The other gentlemen behind the counter were always very pleasant. The marinade jerky Ibuy was $20.00 a pound every time I was there. The last time he served me he all of a sudden charged me 28.00 a pound. I questioned, and then asked again, (really this went up eight dollars a pound in 3 days) he just said other explanation. found this strange. I took the manufacturer name off the case to see if I could find out if this was true, but figured first I would go in later when he wasnt serving and buy more.
When I did, it was $20.00 a pound again, I asked if there had been a rate increase, and the nice person said no.
Thats all I needed, I now buy my jerky once or twice a week from one of the other stores that likes taking my money for their product.
I left 2 stars because the other people in the store are all very nice, and didnt want to leave a single star for one persons actions. one bad apple spoils the barrel as they say.