| - One of the least likely places to fine a good venue in Charlotte would be in Elizabeth, but I'm happy to find the Visulite here every time I head in for a show. Not your most suspect area for a theatre/venue, but it's pretty cool to see the awning and lights over the entryway.
The interior is pretty dark and laden with red drapes. There is a bi-directional hall that you can walk to get to the stage/bar from, but it's kind of hard to tell where you're headed upon first visit. I do like the bar on the separate level and the amount of seating around the bar. There really isn't a bad seat in the house as the sound carries fairly well throughout. The stage is pretty small, but has been good for all types of shows. I've seen rock shows, punk rock, singer-songwriters, and even a few church services at this venue. All have been A-Ok in reference to sound.
My only gripe would be the parking situation. It's always a little iffy with all of the restaurants and hospital that close. There are signs that notify towing will ensue and yadda yadda, but it's never always very clear. There is parking along the street, but the spaces are snagged like loose gold.
All in all, I'm glad this venue is in Charlotte/Elizabeth. Not the best in town, but there are always some good shows to be seen throughout the months. Cheers!