| - Do they want to help you hear better and have a more tolerable life experience or they just want your money?
That is the question you might want to ask yourself before you go to this place or any other audiologist. I came here with severe hearing loss, and was offered nice service, test and explanation of how new hearing aids will enhance my life. It's all good, but they come with a price tag: lower models for $4800, higher $6800. With my lifestyle higher is what I need. However, being new business owner, I hardly have any income at this time and struggle with my payments every month. As you may know, insurance doesn't cover hearing aids, and most people with the issue are elderly. I thought, I need help and leap of faith. That came quickly enough, when I discovered a higher end, newer model of the same hearing aid online $3000 cheaper!!!! Yes! You read that right! $3000 less. I can't describe the relief and excitement I felt when I saw that. The next day I presented this proposal to the audiologist here, David. Yes, he was going to lose a chunk of commission, but would have a customer who will need service and support, and pay for it. No. He turned me down. I was told that if I want his service I will have to pay him $1500 per ear. He works here FOR MONEY. No one works for free, and that was not the expectation. However, this business is about helping people HEAR better, it's a SERVICE business. It's unsettling that there are so-called professionals, who don't care about wellbeing of their patients. I am very grateful to have this experience, and the fact that I don't have to be working with the person who's interest is not my hearing, but my pocket. I will write further on this industry, which is like Mafia, praying on people struggling with their hearing. This will soon appear in the Huffington Post.