I had my truck worked at the big O on elliot. Which Btw is worth the trip. The folks over there not only great at their job, but their customer service is beyond reproach. Back to the topic at hand. After I had the guys at elliot replace my battery alternator and serpentine belt, I was getting a squeal. I thought I could run it to the location (off powers) near my new apartment. Told them what I had done and asked if they could take a look at the squeal. Of course they said no problem. Fast forward 5 ..yes 5 hours. I had to call them to get status of the repair. Only to be informed that they could do the repair but because they did not do the work they would have to charge me 98 dollars, or I could take it back to the elliot location. Should have done that to begin with. Dont get me wrong, I know they should get paid for their work, but to ruin my Saturday by keeping it all day upset me to the point that I took the time to write this. Take my advice and take the drive to the Elliot location.