| - 5 stars for the actual medicine. 5 stars for the wait time and efficiency. 3 stars for the personality. 1 stars for the commercialism. Let's unpack it ...
Medicine. Dr. Greenberg is a highly intelligent doctor with the stellar (double) credentials. You can trust his diagnosis and the suggested treatment. To get the maximum benefit from a visit, my advice would be NOT to present with more than 2 issues at a time. If you do ... he will gladly plow through all of them - but in a quite superficial manner. His is a fast-paced place (see below).
Efficiency. The place is a well-oiled factory. You come in, register, wait a very short time, taken inside, "interrogated" by the scribe/assistant, seen by the doc, and let out. All very quickly. This should suffice for the 85% of the insurance patients.
Personality. Rather detached. He will maintain an eye contact (many doctors won't!) for a short period of time, make small talk, and answer some basic questions. Don't expect a special "connection" or some sort of lengthy elaboration/instructions. You WILL leave with several handouts though. The man has little time. It's a B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S!
Commercialism. At full steam! No freebies (like a quick laser zap) ... but you will be peddled the services of his "consultants," free samples (must check in on Facebook), and, of course, a full medical spa lineup. Also, watch out for the prescriptions! He may try to send those to "his" pharmacy (whatever that means) ... regardless of what pharmacy you indicate as your "preferred" on the intake forms. A pretty brazen practice considering the possible legal ramifications! The ubiquitous but poorly executed marketing tools in the waiting room (patient testimonials, framed newspaper articles, doctor's pics, etc.) further cheapen the experience.
In general, I don't like derm practices which mix the "spa" business with the actual practice of dermatology medicine. Such juxtaposition is confusing. A better approach would be, in my experience, to separate those into two distinct businesses/offices - see for example Lakes Dermatology in Summerlin.
Overall, you should expect here a reasonably good service (certainly better than in many other LV derm practices) ... as long as you can ignore the "business" aspect of Dr. Greenberg's practice/personality.