My surgery in Buffalo New York was not the greatest. Constant headaches from eye strain. Constant eye discomfort. I wake up at night from the pain in my closed eyes. This is after 11 months.
Went to Las Vegas, Meade location last week and they said they could fix it, no problem. They could not schedule an appointment until the doctor looked at my chart. Can't seem to get a doctor to actually do that. I called twice so far this week. Today, during open working hours the answering service says their phones are turned off. So he is going to send them an email asking them to turn on their phone and maybe get back to me. Other reviews have said they have had trouble getting their non-revenue, pre-paid services taken care of. I will update as this saga progresses.
The staff is pretty unprofessional, but the surgery seems to have gone well. I ended up getting PRK in one eye. It was WAY more painful than Lasik, the recovery is difficult one week later I can barely see out of the eye. I'm really glad I didn't get both done at the same time. I would basically be blind after a week. I went in for my checkup and could not read 6 inch high letters during the test. I was told it would improve.