| - Unfortunately, because of insurance, I was forced to take my children to this ridiculous establishment that they like to call a business. Over the past few years, I have been there on several occasions and they never cease to amaze me with their ignorance. They never seem to call when contacts or glasses arrive - I have called each and every time to find out that the items had arrived the week prior. They can't get prices correct, they wouldn't allow a discount I was eligible for because I brought it to them the next day - the list of their inability to provide acceptable customer service goes on and on and on. They were sizing my son's glasses today and actually broke them - now we have to wait another 7-10 days for new frames to arrive....they couldn't find a case that would fit them after they were sized and offered me a cheap, flimsy case from the 1970's. I instructed Einstein to look for a sunglasses case because they were much larger - what do you know, they fit, duh!!! I asked for a cleaning cloth and apparently those are a high priced ticket item and are being sold instead of given to customers. I asked for one for free because of all the trouble and inconvenience we had to endure because of this girl's stupidity, however, the manager (if that's what you want to call her) said it would be like her stealing if she gave me a cloth because everything is inventoried - WHAT?!?. I am a business owner and would never treat a customer in this way. One counter worker is more ignorant than the next one and they are extremely rude. Nationwide Vision, in this economy, I'm sure you can find more alert, knowledgeable, bright people looking for work than the staff that is currently employed on Ray Road. I will never, I repeat, never step foot in that place again. It's not worth the insurance benefit - I will be paying out of pocket from this point forward. If you want to be aggravated to no end, GO THERE!!!!