A crunchy vegans dream restaurant!
When I became a vegetarian Pita Jungle shot up high onto my list of go-to restaurants due to their focus on freshness and health, and their plentiful amounts of vegetarian centered menu. Don't get me wrong, they have a variety of meat and fish dishes, and of course feta cheese! But so much of their menu can easily be turned veggie or vegan in just a snap of the fingers.
It irked me when I would visit a restaurant and have to order the same, vaguely vegetarian menu item, usually smothered with cheese. A few months back I took the leap from vegetarian to vegan and therefore that narrowed my menu selections even further, and eliminating nearly every chain restaurant. In replace for those restaurants I welcomed Pita Jungle with open arms and it is my new favorite ever since!
Talk about delicious fresh food, hearty portions, and wonderful customer service! Everything my family and I have ever ordered has been completely satisfying, it is apparent each dish is made with attention to detail and is typically brought to the table by someone with a beaming smile. Wonderful place filled with wonderful food & people!