My family and I attended MPCC for two years. We worked hard to get connected - I joined the weekly women's study, started a "D Group" bible study in our home, my hubby and I joined a marriage study group, I started summer playgroups at the church and even a running group. After two years of trying, we were no more connected than when we first started. Despite the convenience of the Sunday services, we were not getting any real growth and hungered for more. I called Pastor Allen to discuss my concerns and not only was he incredibly defensive, he said "it sounds like that's your issue." I was so hurt by his genuine lack of concern (especially after two years are trying to get connected), we left MPCC. We now attend Arizona Community Church and are overwhelmed by the community we found! It was tough changing from what was familiar and convenient, but well worth it!! I'm grateful for Pastor Allen's careless words - had he showed any modicum of kindness or concern, we would have stayed. ....Revelation 3:16.