| - On more than one occasion, I have lamented and wondered at the lack of an ice cream parlour in the Coventry - Lee area. Especially one that serves flavors outside of the 'Vanilla, Chocolate, Superman' (VCS) spectrum. There's UDF but that's definitely bang in the middle of the VCS spectrum. Then there's Tommy's where the milk shakes are pretty amazing but sometimes, you just want an ice cream cone. Or two. In Sweetie Fry's case, I'll take four...please.
Anywho, all the lamenting came to an abrupt end on July 2nd when Sweetie Fry - an ice cream cart located outside Phoenix Coffee on Coventry Rd -opened for business. And yesterday, I finally had myself some Sweetie Fry ice cream.
Sweetie Fry sells hand crafted ice creams and sorbets. On the blackboard menu yesterday: Maple and bacon, cookies and cream, chocolate, vanilla bean, mint chocolate chunk, peanut butter, strawberry sour cream, lime sorbet, mango sorbet.
We tried - maple and bacon ice cream ( - there's a chance that it will become husband's weekend 'brunch' staple) and strawberry sour cream. One taste of the strawberry sour cream and I was hooked. That's what I wanted. I knew it. And then the ice cream girl opened the freezer and I saw the mango sorbet. It was the golden yellow color of a perfectly ripe mango (a perfectly ripe alphonso mango to be exact). I had to get it. I did. It tasted like a perfectly ripe alphonso mango. It was AWESOME! *drool* Friend got some peanut butter and some chocolate ice cream. The peanut butter tasted like real peanut butter and the chocolate was decadent.
While we were swooning over our respective ice creams, the ice cream girl said something that included the words ' Lee'. Wait...that's a five minute walk from my house!! Hurrah!! Can't hardly wait...
As of now, find Sweetie Fry on Facebook: