Shady pricing. I was lucky enough to catch a sale there recently. However my boyfriend and I found a few items and I decided to throw in a purse. One pair of shoes were out of my size and the lady said she would go to the basement and look while we went on the Neimans to continue shopping. She said she'd have everything ready when we returned. The purse I wanted started at one price, then she said oh the strap is separate. So we were ok with that. By the time we got back from Neimans she said she made another mistake and it was even the time she was done with her "mistakes" the purse was another $1,000 dollars. Almost back at full price. What a crook. My bf still got his shoes but I just took my business to Burberry and Louis Vuitton instead where the salespeople are honest. If you want a Prada fix try Prada in Neimans. NOT the mall Prada.