If I had reviewed this in 2010 I would've given it 1 star but much has changed since then. Unklike earlier, it's normal for all the registers to be manned on a Friday night as opposed to just one. Products tend to be labelled more accurately but the shelving can sometimes still be off so check your receipt very carefully; this place is still notorious for misscanned and/or mislabelled items although there does appear to be improvement in this area.
Needless to say, you will NOT save money on groceries and vitamins when buying at regular price or even a so-called "price freeze". But look for the actual price-reduction deals and see if it's worth your while. If you use your Optimum card wisely then you just might come out ahead--the points-program is generous if you only get what you need at a good price.
As for the pharmacists, I normally find them to be super-friendly and knowledgable, especially that German woman whose name I unfortunately do not know.