I bought the family plan they offer one year and was satisfied with it. We only needed our cleanings and no additional dental work. The next year I bought it again and when I went in, it was all different people working. Every time I go or take one of my kids, we have a different person working on our teeth. They have very high turnover among the dentists and hygenists. I took my 2 kids to get their teeth cleaned and I said I wanted to be in the room with them. The hygenist said she would exray my son and come get me when the cleaning started. Well, she never came and got me and she brought him out to the lobby and from about 5 feet away announced to me in front of everyone that was there that my son had 5 cavities. Very embarrassing. No one took me back into the room to explain anything to me, I still dont know what teeth have cavities. My other young son got some dental work done there and had a tooth pulled and needed to get a spacer put in. They have no trays that can fit a small kids mouth to do a decent impression. Also, they were not able to get decent exrays of my 5 year olds mouth because they only had adult sized film to bite down on. I will definitely not be buying their plan again.