| - I went to Hurry 4 Curry for dinner with a friend. I'm afraid the entire experience left me feeling like I'd just eaten at a cheap shopping mall food court joint. The prices are excellent given the portions of food, which probably saves this place from being one-starred. And yes, the touch-tone screen system is pretty nifty and quick. Except... why would such a system draw me in in the first place? Who exactly is this technology targeting? I live downtown, just a few blocks away. Why would I (a) drive around in circles for 10 minutes looking for parking around the stupidly-designed Arizona Center so I can spend another 5 minutes walking in and getting a computer-aided Indian meal, or (b) walk 10 minutes from my place to do the same? I would much rather convince a friend to join me for a pleasant sit-down experience at a downtown Indian restaurant, where we can order samosas and Kingfishers and pig out on korma or CTM (chicken tikka masala).
As for the food, it's pretty meh. I was starving when I ordered my kadai chicken with rice, so I did wolf it down and was satisfied. But the flavor and richness of the meal was pretty average. Again, think mall food court.
Not a place to eat for any social purpose whatsoever, with a date, spouse, friend, relative, parent, boss, coworker, business partner, pimp, or anyone else.