I also have mixed feelings about this place. I wouldn't consider myself a club going type of guy by any means. However, this was one of the places I stumbled upon the Saturday night of my recent brief excursion to the land of Maple Leaves. It had the usual "I'm cooler than I really" am people, the dance crowd, the awkward groups of girls dancing in a circle, and the mostly good but some bad music. All and all a decent overall vibe to be in and flow with. While I would consider this a club, It is a bit of a lesser club, in my mind. I would compare it to many campus dance clubs in the States. Sort of a mix between a club and a late night bar. Can't really remember the cost of drinks, but don't recall anything exorbitant.
There seemed to be a generous mix of attractive females present. While most of them were pretty well socially lubricated, there were a select few that seemed to be classy and worth the time. Unfortunately one of the more quality females we met was unable to collect her coat from the check because the staff had already given it out to someone other than her.
At one point I didn't like The Midtown, but at another I felt like this was a great place to connect with others. When it comes down to it, it seemed like a great place to mix it up with the opposite sex on a weekend night.