Sooooooo after a few days from contacting the business after a voicemail & email someone finally got in touch with me.
I didn't really like how they handled contacting me. They left one call, no voicemail & sent a text (which is appreciated but I was sleeping so I didn't respond yet).
And of course, because it's the week of July 4th there's no later bookings which beyond annoys the living h$ll out of me.
There's a reason why I tried booking an appointment the week before. Pissed they don't have something later than 2pm.
I am going to give the body lightening a shot because I got conned into a reserving a service and can't get my deposit back. (Only $20 but $20 that could've gone to a better business.)
So far I give customer service 0 stars.
Hire someone to answer your phone calls... I don't think I would have been as annoyed or pissed if they had a good receptionist.
But i will update my review after I get a service. Estheticians seem knowledgeable but that was just an impression from the consultation.