Shallot Truffle is my jam...well cheeze...or "Gary" for the vegan purists.
Back in the day when I was Director of Events and full time daily volunteer at V Animal's Sanctuary I knew the moment I was planning the grand opening event that Virgin Cheese was top on my list.
They debuted that day in history...and "The First Time" has a whole new meaning. Compassion.
Cheese has a whole new meaning. Compassion.
The cashew based heaven goes perfect with veggies, crackers, breads, and fruit.
Organic and cultured it is a true work of art.
I am proud to know Jodi and proud of her success as a local business owner.
Find Virgin by ordering online at, at Fresh52 Market, VegeNation as a platter, and The Market which is open daily here Downtown Las Vegas.
Shallot Truffle is amaze, Brie is amaze, Pepper Jack is amaze, and today Jodi said that she has cheddar to make Mac&Cheese and also an Alfredo Sauce which I can't wait to try both!!!!!!!!
Try Virgin Cheese...your first time will never be the same...