So yesterday I'm driving down the street when I see Red Mango on my right, and I think hey this place is supposed to be great according to Yelp (which hasn't been wrong yet). So I risk my life cutting through traffic and taxis to pull into the parking lot.
As I'm walking to the door I hear this horrendous techno/electronic "music" invading my ear space. I crossed my fingers hoping it wasn't coming from where I was about to enter. It was!!
So I walk up to the counter and ask the girl working if the plain just tastes like yogurt or has a hint of some flavor to it. In my defense Ce Fiore by my house has plain yogurt with a hint of lemon to it. She didn't seem to speak English and answered " yes it is plain and that is green tea." Pointing to the obvious signs that say Plain and Green Tea. OK. -1 star.
I figured I would get a medium so I went with the green tea and blackberries. Wow this actually is very good. I give my card to the girl and she swipes it and says thank you and walks away. No receipt. OK.
Well I'm at home today paying my bills when I realize that cost me almost $6.00. A $1.00 up charge for the only other flavor besides plain. BOO!!!!! -1 star.
Well it was good, the blackberries were perfect with the nice creamy green tea yogurt, but I must say not worth $6.00. And risking my life cutting through traffic to get there. I'll stick to Golden Spoon.