No disrespect to those who have come here and had a great time -- I am sure it's possible. I mean who doesn't love 2490589348 people standing on top of tables smashing their beer mugs (that must weigh ten pounds) together---constant toasting---all while those same people sing a Bruce Springstein song as good as they can for as drunk as they are.
This place is huge -- surely it could fit half the population of Pittsburgh. It's unique, too, I'll give you that. And the beer prices aren't half bad!
But let's get real. I thought two things over and over again when I was here:
1. Did a frat house rent this place out for a party? I found out, no..... Says the girl next to me, "It's always like this".
2. Is this a Tea Party gathering? Evidence indicates no, it wasn't, so again "it's always like this".