Mannnnnnnnn this is the worst place I have ever lived and I come from the lovely ghettos of Los Angeles CA. The staff is good when you are looking to sign a lease, after that they can give half a fuck about you and everything you're going through. My car have been broken into because the gates are always broke, There's no security at all and smokers visit often searching through the trash cans. I've been having recurring water damage and all they do is patch the shit up and move on to the next project, it's gotten so bad that a mushroom has grown out the WALL and they still haven't figured out how to fix the problem. The only good thing I can say about this trash ass apartment is that the size of it is pretty good but that's where it ends. All this place wants is money, money, and more money because if you don't pay your rent by the 2nd they are placing a 5day notice (that cost a extra $35 on top of the other fees for the paper and ink im guessing) to pay or vacay the property on the 3rd, they place the notice faster then they respond to a emergency call for your water heater busting or toilets overflowing. Ohhhhhhhhhh shit i almost forgot the workers in the office aren't allowed to give you the corporate office number, instead they give you the office manager's email address and tell you to get it from her but she's in the office having a meeting? Yea don't move here people any great review you see on here is a got damn lie it's most likely one of the staff.