GARBAGE!! This company is a bunch of dumb asses!! They claim its' my fault when they send out a bill and I don't get it. Even though the girl said they been having issues with the mail. My claim wont be active since my payments are behind. It's behind because I never received the statement to make a payment. The funny part, if you want a refund, you have to mail them a letter saying why you want to quit. Even thought you are talking to them on the phone. Then you lose $ per day. I bet they claim they didnt get the letter too lol. Biggest waste of money I spent for almost 5 years. Glad this mishap woke me up. This company is a scam and they can kiss my ass. I referred 5 people and they will cancel as well. The customer service sucks and they act all high and mighty. If I could give 0 stars I would. Something I hope yelp does. I hope this company goes out of business and those 2 snobby bitches lose there job. One of them can't even speak english. I thought I called some foreign number and had to look at my phone and make sure it was a Vegas # lol. Companies who run like that and treat the paying customer like dirt does not deserve to be in business. DO NOT BUY A HOME WARRANTY FROM NATIONAL HOME WARRANTY!!!! PASS THE WARNING TO ANYONE WHO HAS OR LOOKING AT NATIONAL HOME WARRANTY