It really is your basic run of the mill type of airport with just the essentials in terms of spots to eat, grab a cup of coffee, etc. Some of the terminals really are nicer than others. I've been in a terminal for American and then one for Spirit Airlines (and don't get all judgmental on me - the Spirit flight was a ridiculous steal and I had to just shoot my shot and go for it). The airport for the most part is real easy to get around and get in and out. And to me that is really all that matters because I don't plan on spending a lot of time here. I went to a cute little brewery spot and had some delicious grub there because I was killing time. Anyway I do recommend spending time at this airport if you are flying American. Spirit, not so much as the terminal is fairly older and boring. But, the view coming into Phoenix especially if you take a sunrise flight is beautiful. I love me some southwestern views.