| - Gamestop (AKA Funcoland, EB Games, etc.) has been a nationwide game store chain for years. They certainly have no shortage of stores around the Vegas Valley, as well.
This place is all about video games, so the associates are generally pretty knowledgeable about the subject. They are usually nice guys as well, so that's always a plus. Typically, any time I go in the store I am asked if I am looking for anything, and while I am usually not, they don't seem to have a problem with people just there to browse.
Gamestop carries just accessories and games for pretty much every video game system from the Playstation 2 up to the modern age. They have a solid selection of used titles, so you can often get some bargains on that end. Likewise, the chain has a frequent buyer program where you can save money and gain extra money when doing a trade-in. What systems they carry games for, though, as far as slightly older ones go (PS2, Gamecube, original XBOX) tends to differ from store to store.
I have one major complaint with Gamestop however - they severely downsized their on-hand merchandise in recent years. I used to be able to come in this place and get memorabilia/toys/etc., plus cheap movies people had traded in. Now it's pretty much games/systems/accessories only. I liked the way this chain thought outside the box, but now they're back to "just games." Likewise, there aren't a whole lot of bargains/savings on "new" merchandise (though this is typical of most stores that sell games.)
If you have a Gamestop by you, they are definitely worth checking out, just don't go in expecting an out-of-this-world selection and prices.