I quit watching Ch 5 a long time ago when they constantly spew their liberal views onto the public..Their slogan is "telling it like it is" is great if you are a liberal!!!! BUT they never touch all of the evidence that has been collected by BY MANY PEOPLE about our "ROCK STAR --TALKING HEAD president..Why is all of his personal information sealed??? He should be ORDERED by SOMEONE to stand up to this socialist bunch so we can get to the truth!!!! What is he afraid of?? It has been stated that their are 40/50 communists in congress and I know their is a muslim in office in Indiana who wants to change our school system to the muslims way..
This JOKER REPORTER you have on staff, MORGAN LOWE, in association with another group of liberals is trying to bring down Joe Arpiao who is the only one doing his job and trying to save our country...I am 77 years old and until obama got into office I knew that the people (99% of them) were God fearing and loved the constitution and our country...I DO NOT want to live under a dictater and I DO NOT want my kids, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren to live that way under socialism!!
If you promote obama the way you all do, (and not only you but the other channels in Arizona do the same thing) in my eyes that is what you are promoting..