BEST AL PASTOR TACOS EVER!!! Good service as well, I just docked one star cause I hate the set up of the restaurant! I really wish they would've thought of a better system. You have to wait in a different line for each different meat and then head to yet ANOTHER line to pay for what you just waited in line for. Sound redundant??...well, IT IS!
The al pastor meat line is always the longest, and then people from the other meat lines, think they can jump in front of the al pastor line cause they waited in one (of the shortest) line already. So annoying. I think if you know you're going to get al pastor and (for example) carne asada as well, you should wait in the longest most popular line first, then make your way to the smaller lines, right??? would think that would be common sense. But apparently there's ALWAYS someone who tries to cheat the system...and next thing you know, it's monkey see monkey do.