Even free it is BAD! ( I had a free tkt) Nothing fresh tasting. I like salads, veggies..desserts -and a foody-not too picky. Everything tastes wierd-like stored in old soiled tennis shoe or mixed w/cow hides? Do they keep items for wks? The puddings watered down, slimy (old) salads, scallpped potatoes yuk, Chinese food awful. How can they mess up pizza? The crust had stale cowhide/dogfd taste! Afraid to eat the meat . The froz vanilla yogurt had a strange coconut taste-not fresh. Only good-Coffee, 1-2 deserts (but cheap heavy tasting), roll, fresh apples, bananas. Couldnt believe ple hoarding all this bad stuff ?! Best spend $10-$15 more elsewhere for quality.