This isn't a one star against the agent. It's a one star on the company. Specifically their claims center. Be aware that a big name doesn't mean quick service. The only quick thing about State Farm is the auto payments that come out of my account every month. Be aware that a claim adjustment can take up to 4 days for scheduling. Yes thats just to schedule the inspection. Im now entering a month trying to resolve. Im always told their adjusters are backed up. Don't leave messages on their voice mail, that's just there to assure the client that the company still exists. You won't get a call back from an adjuster. I regret leaving Progressive where they normally visit your home the next day after the incident. They also have my home insurance in which I will cancel on renewal. I can't I can't imagine waiting a month to resolve a home claim. State Farm is all about sales. I will be moving all my vehicles as soon as this claim settles.