| - I first came here about a month ago or so, we have lived in the area for a few years but for some reason we always settled for Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Sardellas etc. One day after church, I really wanted good pizza and I wasn't willing to settle... I had been to Chicago, IL before, but all we had was Chicago PAN pizza (which was great, just not my type) so I thought that's what "Chicago pizza" truly was. As I drove to Johnnies I was just thinking "eh I won't love it but why not just try it" ... Man was I wrong. The crust was perfect, crispy, sauce... Oh man, incredible. Truly could of are a whole pizza by myself. My family and I are obsessed. Not too long ago we went and they were closed!!! (Family went on vacation.. Good for them!) So I grabbed my sister and my children and we headed to another pizza place and we almost felt disappointed, not because the pizza was horrible (yes I'm being nice) but because we were really craving Johnnies.Thank goodness they're back, we went and had dinner last night, and this time I brought my mom along. She is a Johnnies lover now well.