Sometimes a company deserves a bad rap because of bad corporate citizenship. This is one of those times. Come to the Scottsdale Quarter splash pad with your baby Sunday between 10 am and noon and you will see many disappointed children and families because the fountains aren't turned on until noon. Scottsdale Quarter employees inform the families that the yoga shop has the space rented until noon on Sundays. But you see no yoga, only sad children. Everyone knows that in the Arizona summer heat and sun, kid activities should be done in the morning, because afternoons can pose health risks. But here is a store apparently renting and not using the splash pad during the prime summertime hours, depriving children of the use and enjoyment of the main attraction. I have no problem with yoga, but not at the expense of kids and families. Do it early and open up the splash pad when you're not doing it. Many children and families will thank you.