Acceptable care if you can afford it. If you consider having a Keurig and USB charging station to be necessary perks in a waiting room, you'll like it here.
It was fine.
I would definitely need to dip into the line of credit or the kids' college fund to proceed from the $4000 estimate, though. The tone definitely changed from precious to breezy as we paid $ 500+ for the initial hour and an ineffective bandage and backed slowly out the door. When the bandage came off after one minute at home and we had to return (as instructed), the doc said magnanimously that the replacement bandage was on the house. Huzzah!
Procedure is being done as we speak for max. $1045 at our real vet. But pet emergencies don't keep regular docs' hours, and vulnerability pays big - time. Next emergency, I'll explore other (cheaper?) parts of the Wild West.