Only got one star because zero isn't an option. Every time we go to Target we swear we will never go again. They have the worst return policy in every way! Somehow we end up going again ... out of necessity only. Like today at my sons swim meet we needed stakes for the shade canopy and it was the closest place in a pinch. Turns out we didn't need the stakes. Never opened them. Got near home (40 min away) and decided to stop at a different target to return them. Stood in return line for EVER... then up at the counter I get told, "sorry ma'am, you have to take these back to the Target you bought them from. The other option is to come back tomorrow. For same day purchase/return you have to return at the same store". Are you fucking kidding me? I have to drive 45 minutes to return your crap or come back tomorrow? That doesn't make ANY sense!!! I told her she has the receipt. I bought it! You're all the same company, not franchises! She said she understands but there is no option. I hate target! Seriously HATE them. ZERO customer service!! I've never been so inconvenienced in my life. It makes literally no sense!