The staff here appear to care while your here. The maintenance staff is pretty knowledgeable and you will get to know them quite well as they will be constantly in your apartment fixing something. I must have parts from 4 different stoves on my stove because they just take parts from another unit to fix mine. The worst thing for me is how many times people park in my covered spot and the management doesn't do anything about it. I called the towing company and they wont tow without a call from the manager, you call the manager and they wont call for 24 hours. That's my spot and I want to park in it now, not tomorrow. I had a card at my other apartment complex that I showed to the tow truck driver and he came out and towed it. People ignore the rules by bringing glass bottles into the pool area and I have even seen 1 person urinating in the bushes outside my apartment. The places seem nice but are over priced. You can get a better deal anywhere else.