I love the nerolis in other locations so I decided to go this one for a quick mani before spring break. I did not like my mani however. The manicurist didn't cut my nails at all just filed them although clearly they were uneven lengths. She also put lotion on BEFORE the nail polish and didn't have me wash my hands, which causes the polish to chip easily. Which it did literally 3 hours later. Additionally, I didn't get any cuticle oil which maybe goes which their different types of manicures but that wasn't listed as excluded so I assumed she would've done it. The whole manicure lasted maybe 15 minutes and was very rushed. Lastly, the color wall needs better lighting because the color I chose from the wall looked very different once it was under normal lights. It really felt like I could've just done my own nails at that point. Had to go to another salon to get it fixed.