Overall I was disappointed with our experience. We took it from LA to Vegas and then back to LA again. The attendants in LA are much more organized than the ones in Vegas. In Vegas it was 116° and we had to wait in line for an hour, because the attendants didn't have tickets so we had to stand in line to save our place. They ripped my brand new suit case and didn't care when they handed it to me that way.
The driver from LA was nice, the one from Vegas was grumpy. The bus was clean, wifi didn't work, A/C wasn't cold enough. The seats were kind of small, not much leg room and there were way too many people onboard.
It stops through Riverside, which really extends an already long bus ride. From Vegas to LA we departed at 3:15pm and arrived at 9pm, nearly 6 hours. We totalled 8 hours of travel time from our hotel to home. This wasn't the worst experience ever, but I'll probably spend the few extra bucks next time and take Luxbus instead.