If I could, I'd rate Tabule closer to a 3.5.
I've been to Tabule a number of times. I had visited a few times for lunch a couple of months after it had opened and, at the time, the service did not match the food. Since I've returned, they've made great improvements to wait times and Tabule has become one of my go-to places in the neighbourhood, especially when trying to avoid any of the overly-abundant Italian restaurants that have taken over Yonge-Eglinton.
I don't feel that there is anything spectacular or particularly inventive on the menu, however the food is always flavourful and fresh. The dining room is packed for dinner service on any given night and the wait staff have been prompt and friendly. Water glasses are always topped-up and quality-checks are performed throughout the meal. Since I've been 6 or 7 times now, I can confirm that the level of service has remained consistent.
They do pour water from an Ibrik which is kind cool the first few times but it becomes a bit too much of a production each time they fill a glass. After a while, I'd just prefer a regular jug of water.
Apparently Tabule has belly dancers on certain nights of the week. I haven't been present for this, but I'm sure it only adds to the Middle-Eastern flair.
--We also had Tabule do some light catering for a small work function. They provided an excellent spread and so I would definitely recommend it to cater certain functions.