This place has insurance fraud written all over it! Did you know, that this URGENT CARE - as stated on every single sign on and around the facility - is really a HOSPITAL?? Yes, really!!
And, when do you find this out?? When you receive a bill for over $500 from your insurance company!
I can't believe this place has the nerve to place DIGNITY anywhere near their name...even more appalling is the fact that the state allows this place to continue to fleece patients as an ER!
We were new to the area and my husband had developed an ear infection. This place was around the corner from our apartment and stated URGENT CARE - which our PPO covers all but $50. So, he spent two hours waiting for some doctor to look in his ear for two minutes, declare he had an ear infection, write him a script for a Z-pack and sent him on his way.
A few weeks later, we get a bill from these crooks for over $320!! This is AFTER our insurance paid them nearly $200! We called our insurance - who also agreed that the costs were outrageous - and was informed that this place considers themselves an ER and billed the visit as such!
If you drive past the place, all you see are three different signs declaring it an URGENT CARE. No one bother's to inform you it's a "hospital." How they continue to get away with this is baffling!
For me, they can pay a collections company to come after me - I have never skipped out on any bills in my life, but hell will freeze over before they get one thin dime from me for this bullsh*t!